Monday, May 11, 2020

Please Support the Older Americans Act

As individuals grow older they often become less and less independent and have to rely on family members, aids, or services to help them through day to day living. Losing independence and having to rely on others can be quite depressing for the elderly population. The Older Americans Act (OAA) is an amazing resource for the elderly population. The OAA funds programs and services that work to enable the elderly population to enjoy healthy productive and independent lives in their homes and communities (National Association of Social Workers issue brief about the Older Americans Act). Some examples of services offered through this program are family caregiver support, long-term care ombudsman, nutrition programs, transportation, and programs to prevent and address elder abuse, neglect and exploitation (NASW letter supporting the Older Americans Act). If these policies are easily accessible, the elderly population’s mental health and well-being will benefit from the services listed. These services and programs work to still give elderly individuals a sense of being independent and capable of things they believed they never would be able to be capable of achieving again upon “losing independence.”

Funding is crucial and for the OAA increasing funding is absolutely necessary. Increasing funding is necessary for a couple different reasons. One reason is changing demographics within the US Population and another reason is because of new challenges that will be endured.
Changing demographics relates to the US population as a whole aging and the baby boom generation aging. Proactive policies and approaches are essential to ensure that older adults thrive and remain engaged with their families communities, and the broader society. New challenges that will need addressed as longevity increases and the population ages are the need for housing, economic security, health care, transportation, advocacy, and additional support services (Richard J. Fiesta’s consensus recommendations, 2019). Funding through OAA is crucial to ensure that as the elderly population continues to grow the necessary resources can be provided to the elderly individuals in need.

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