Monday, May 11, 2020

Please support universal free lunches

Citizens of Springfield,
I am writing this letter as a citizen that truly and deeply cares about the children in our community. It is of utmost importance that we take care of our children because they will one day be the lifeblood of our society. As children, we were all helpless in the face of our environments, which basically means we had no control where and what environment we grew up in. If we were born into privilege, we could not control that, just like we could not control if we were born into poverty. We were voiceless and incapable of truly taking care of ourselves. That is why it is our responsibility to be the voice of our children and do everything in our power to advocate and fight for their rights. 
Free Universal School Lunch will provide all children in our community with adequate school meals, both breakfast and lunch, which is sadly a luxury for too many children in Springfield. Many of you are already aware of the free and reduced school lunch system already in place, but may not know just how inefficient this system truly is. One major issue is the fact that there are many children that “fall through the cracks” because of the intensity and lengthiness of the paperwork needed to be filled out in order to qualify for free/reduced lunch. This is even more evident in families where English is not the primary language. No child should be left behind just because the paperwork is not accommodating. This also goes along with the strict qualifications families must meet in order to receive free/reduced lunches. Some families badly need free/reduced lunches for their children, but they barely miss the qualifications, so they are forced to pay for meals for their children (and oftentimes have large negative balances). Creating a system where all children are given free lunch would not only help these families out tremendously, but it would also save the school staff members a lot of time and trouble dealing with the paperwork and trying to get families to pay their negative balances. Another issue with this system already in place, is that it creates a breeding ground for humiliation and bullying because schools are oftentimes guilty of separating the children who need these accommodations from the ones who do not. This is an issue I was forced to experience firsthand.
Growing up with a single mother was very tough, and we struggled heavily to make ends meet. My mom always did everything she could to give us the happiest and most stable life possible, where we would not be looked down on because we did not have as much money as our peers. She did an incredible job and I am grateful that I was always given the best things my mom could give me. Since we lived in a lower-class household, we qualified for free lunches, which lifted the burden off of my mom from having to pay for one more thing for us. This is true, but my school did a horrible job of covering the fact that I got free lunch, so all my peers knew. This was humiliating for me because I tried my best to hide my family’s struggles from my classmates. My school, for reasons unbeknownst to me, decided to put all of the kids that got free or reduced lunches at the back of the line. I am unsure if they somehow needed to do this to make it more organized, or because they were somehow punishing us for being poor by making us get our lunch last, but either way, it was a humiliation I dealt with every single day for years. I know that if my school did something as ridiculous as this, that other schools (not all but some) are doing the same thing. I never want any child to have to experience that kind of purposeful embarrassment, and that is why free lunches would eliminate this problem altogether.
It is our job to be a voice for the voiceless and to be a friend to the friendless. Some of these children feel like they have nobody on their side, but if we come together to advocate for Free Universal School Lunch, they will finally have someone be their voice. The burden of scrambling to pull money together to pay for these school lunches is unnecessary and only adds stress to families that are already beyond stressed. Please join me in petitioning to create a bill that allows every child in Springfield to receive free lunches. It is the least we can do. Thank you so much for your time and consideration.

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